poszkodowana tiene 13 traducciones en 11 idiomas

Traducciones de poszkodowana

PL ES Español 1 traducción
  • víctima (n) [a person who suffers any other injury, loss, or damage as a result of a voluntary undertaking, an aggrieved or disadvantaged party in a crime, an unfortunate person who suffers from a disaster or other adverse circumstance, anyone who is harmed by another] {f}
PL FR Francés 1 traducción
  • victime (n) [a person who suffers any other injury, loss, or damage as a result of a voluntary undertaking, an aggrieved or disadvantaged party in a crime, an unfortunate person who suffers from a disaster or other adverse circumstance, anyone who is harmed by another] {f}
PL PT Portugués 1 traducción
  • vítima (n) [a person who suffers any other injury, loss, or damage as a result of a voluntary undertaking, an aggrieved or disadvantaged party in a crime, an unfortunate person who suffers from a disaster or other adverse circumstance, anyone who is harmed by another] {f}
PL DE Alemán 1 traducción
  • Opfer (n) [a person who suffers any other injury, loss, or damage as a result of a voluntary undertaking, an aggrieved or disadvantaged party in a crime, an unfortunate person who suffers from a disaster or other adverse circumstance, anyone who is harmed by another] {n}
PL NL Neerlandés 1 traducción
  • slachtoffer (n) [a person who suffers any other injury, loss, or damage as a result of a voluntary undertaking, an aggrieved or disadvantaged party in a crime, an unfortunate person who suffers from a disaster or other adverse circumstance, anyone who is harmed by another] {n}
PL SV Sueco 1 traducción
  • offer (n) [a person who suffers any other injury, loss, or damage as a result of a voluntary undertaking, an aggrieved or disadvantaged party in a crime, an unfortunate person who suffers from a disaster or other adverse circumstance, anyone who is harmed by another] {n}
PL CS Checo 1 traducción
  • oběť (n) [an aggrieved or disadvantaged party in a crime]
PL DA Danés 1 traducción
  • offer (n) [a person who suffers any other injury, loss, or damage as a result of a voluntary undertaking, an aggrieved or disadvantaged party in a crime, an unfortunate person who suffers from a disaster or other adverse circumstance, anyone who is harmed by another] {n}
PL HU Húngaro 1 traducción
PL RU Ruso 3 traducciones
  • же́ртва (n) [a person who suffers any other injury, loss, or damage as a result of a voluntary undertaking, an aggrieved or disadvantaged party in a crime, an unfortunate person who suffers from a disaster or other adverse circumstance, anyone who is harmed by another]
  • пострада́вший (n) [an unfortunate person who suffers from a disaster or other adverse circumstance] (n)
  • потерпе́вший (n) [an unfortunate person who suffers from a disaster or other adverse circumstance] (n)
PL JA Japonés 1 traducción
  • 被災者 (n) [an unfortunate person who suffers from a disaster or other adverse circumstance] (n)