kihívás tiene 20 traducciones en 14 idiomas

Traducciones de kihívás

HU ES Español 2 traducciones
  • desafío (n v) [that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not] {m}
  • reto (n v) [that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not] {m}
HU FR Francés 2 traducciones
  • défi (n v) [that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not] {m}
  • chalenge (n v) [that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not] (n v)
HU IT Italiano 1 traducción
  • sfida (n v) [that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not] {f}
HU PT Portugués 2 traducciones
  • incentivo (n v) [that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not] {m}
  • desafio (n v) [that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not] {m}
HU DE Alemán 1 traducción
  • Herausforderung (n v) [that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not] {f}
HU NL Neerlandés 1 traducción
  • uitdaging (n v) [that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not] {f}
HU SV Sueco 1 traducción
  • utmaning (n v) [that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not] (u)
HU CS Checo 1 traducción
  • výzva (n v) [that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not]
HU PL Polaco 1 traducción
  • wyzwanie (n v) [that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not] (n v)
HU BG Búlgaro 1 traducción
HU RU Ruso 1 traducción
  • вы́зов (n v) [that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not] (n v)
HU JA Japonés 1 traducción
  • 挑戦 (n v) [that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not] (n v)
HU VI Vietnamita 2 traducciones
  • thách thức (n v) [that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not] (n v)
  • thách đố (n v) [that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not] (n v)